This font is so good, I can’t believe it’s free! Looks better in lower case! Props to: Milena Brandao Get the font @ Font Squirrel
Jobberino, un sito per scrivere curriculum efficaci e lavorare online
Segnalo con piacere un sito che ho fondato da poco, si chiama jobberino. Jobberino ha lo scopo di aiutare i giovani a trovare lavoro. Sia esso da dipendente, spiegando come scrivere il curriculum o la lettera di presentazione; o da freelancer con tecniche e consigli per trovare nuovi clienti, creare il proprio brand, mantenere un portoflio o un […]
Java Fundamentals
Let’s start by saying that I believe Java is a great language to start learning how to program. The reasons being: Java inherently forces you to learn OOP concepts Java applications run basically on any device Java is old, and as such it is a well documented language with plenty of resources to learn from […]
Social Proximity
Social Proximity is an Italian platform for social workers. Social Workers, Educatori in Italian, is a recently regulated social related job that encompasses a wide variety of jobs, spanning from assisting disabled people to living with orphans or in “communities” in which the inhabitants are generally tied not because of ethnicity or cultural backgrounds but rather common […]
Faldore Font
Faldore is a very interesting font I stumbled upon today, first of all you can’t deny the extreme similitude with “Azkidenz Grotesk” or “American Standard” as you may now it and obviously “Helvetica”. However the big twist is: “Helvetica” costs $900+ to buy a commercial license on while this costs $35. Extremely legible, smooth […]
Crete Round is a nice and smooth slab serif with an alternance of class and straighteness, namely the “R”, “K”, “Q”… show nice smooth curves while other uppercase character are strong and rigid. I really like the lowercase which is smooth, legible and most importantly looks dope! User discretion advised on the Uppercase! Crete […]